Modeshift STARS

Achieving school travel awards

Modeshift STARS programme

Modeshift STARS is the national schools awards scheme that has been established to recognise schools that have demonstrated excellence in supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable travel.

The scheme encourages schools across Milton Keynes and the rest of the country to join in a major effort to increase levels of sustainable and active travel.

Every school in Milton Keynes can participate in Modeshift STARS for free.  On completion of an application for STARS, schools will automatically have a brand new national standard School Travel Plan.

Why take part in STARS

To take part, please visit the Modeshift STARS website, select ‘register’ and away you go.

How to achieve accreditation

Once your school is signed up to Modeshift STARS and you are ready to get started there are five levels to achieve, green, bronze, silver, gold and platinum.

Getting Accredited

Initiatives on offer

As a school you will get to select from a wide range of initiatives, download the initiatives pocket guide to see just some of those on offer.

Bike to School Week is coming up on 25th – 29th September 2023 and we can support your school to deliver a range of initiatives.

We also celebrate the success of schools engaged on the Modeshift STARS programme and share best practice. Take a look out our Modeshift STARS termly newsletters to get a flavour.


Summer Term Newsletter 2022

Spring Term Newsletter 2022

Winter Term Newsletter 2021


Summer Term Newsletter 2021

Spring Term Newsletter 2021

Winter Term Newsletter 2020


Summer Term Newsletter 2020

Spring Term Newsletter 2020

Winter Term Newsletter 2019

Once signed up to Modeshift STARS you will receive a plan of bespoke initiatives from our travel planning team.

Contact the Travel Plan team for more information and help at or join one of our drop in sessions to find out more about Modeshift STARS.

Interactive map
Find your nearest bus stops, bus services and much more.