Go electric

Get Smart

Using smart technology to enhance sustainable transport

Milton Keynes Council is a leading authority in working in partnership with new and innovative sustainable transport initiatives. Electric bus routes, driverless pods and autonomous vehicles are just some of the smart technology trials which have taken place across the borough.

Go Ultra Low

Milton Keynes is pioneering work to develop modern vehicles that tackel harmful emissions and reduce their carbon footprint which will help to make MK one of the most sustainable cities in Europe. Find out more about the proposals and the £9m DfT funding to slash vehicle emissions.


The MK:Smart project is a collaborative initiative developing innovative solutions to support economic growth in Milton Keynes. The creation of the ‘MK Data Hub’ enables the acquisition of vast amounts of data from a variety of sources to provide information about energy and water consumption, transport data, satellite technology and more.

Milton Keynes – a smart city

Smart cities use intelligent technology to enhance the quality of life in urban environments. They use intelligent data in a variety of ways including to save money, minimise waste, measure domestic water usage and manage transport routes.

In 2017, MK won three awards at the Smart Cities UK conference in the following categories: data, communications and housing.

Innovation and partnership continues by installing traffic sensors to collect intelligence about parking and both pavement and road traffic. The data is being used to help plan infrastructure.

A leader in sustainable transport infrastructure

Outside of London, Milton Keynes is leading the way with the implementation of a city wide network of electric vehicle charging points thanks to £9m of funding to help slash vehicle emissions. There are many incentives to help you go electric including a free green CMK parking permit for ultra low emission vehicles.

Innovative transport trials and technology

As the home of the Transport Systems Catapult – the UK’s technology and innovation centre for intelligent mobility – MK is at the forefront of transport technology. Residents and visitors to Milton Keynes can experience autonomous robot delivery, driverless pods and car parking occupancy monitoring.

MK – technology, progress, innovation

There’s so much happening in MK it’s hard to keep up some times. Keep an eye on our News section for all the latest info and press releases about the trials, funding and innovations that are taking place in Milton Keynes.

Some of the benefits
Save money

Electric vehicles are extremely cost effective. As well as saving on a cost per mile, electric vehicles are also exempt from vehicle tax.

Environmentally friendly

Electric cars don’t emit toxic gases into the environment as they run on clean energy, reducing your impact on th environment.

Charging up is easy

You don’t need fuel and it’s super easy in Milton Keynes.

Go the distance

The average UK driver travels around 20-30 miles a day. Think of how far you drive each day.

Up to 35% off

Government grants provide up to 35% off the purchase price on eligible vehicles

Save money

Electric vehicles are extremely cost effective. As well as saving on a cost per mile, electric vehicles are also exempt from vehicle tax.

Environmentally friendly

Electric cars don’t emit toxic gases into the environment as they run on clean energy, reducing your impact on th environment.

Charging up is easy

You don’t need fuel and it’s super easy in Milton Keynes.

Go the distance

The average UK driver travels around 20-30 miles a day. Think of how far you drive each day.

Up to 35% off

Government grants provide up to 35% off the purchase price on eligible vehicles

  Load more benefits
Interactive map
Find your nearest bus stops, bus services and much more.