What is ‘Get Around MK’?
Get Around MK has been developed by Milton Keynes Council to promote sustainable travel. We help people make smarter choices about how they travel around Milton Keynes. The council’s transport team work with local schools, employers, residents and community groups to promote the benefits of smarter travel. Our aim is to enable people to use more sustainable forms of transport and reduce car use.
Making Smarter Choices about your travel
Smarter Choices are defined as more sustainable forms of travel, away from single occupancy vehicles. This includes active travel (walking, cycling), public transport (buses, trains), car sharing, electric vehicles and reducing the need to travel altogether.
We provide advice and tips to help you switch to smarter choices and reduce your car usage. We promote opportunities to try alternative types of transport in daily life – getting to work, taking the kids to school or popping to the shops.
The benefits of smarter choices are clear: increased accessibility to services, employment and education; healthier lifestyles and reduced CO2 from transport emissions.
Creating a smarter, healthier, greener city
Milton Keynes is recognised as a leader in transport innovation thanks to organisations such as the Transport Systems Catapult. Many companies also choose to work in Milton Keynes with the council to trial new transport technology; autonomous vehicles and delivery robots are just some of the innovation trials that are in progress.
How can you get involved and make smarter choices?
We work with organisations and individuals across Milton Keynes to promote all types of sustainable transport. We’d love to hear your stories about how you’ve changed your travel behaviour, taken up cycling to get fit or started a car share club at work. We help schools, businesses and groups of residents to make smarter choices. Get in touch with us using our contact page.