Bus services in Milton Keynes
Public transport in Milton Keynes is provided by an integrated network of core bus routes supported by the demand responsive MK Connect service.
Travel information
You can get real time information on buses and disruption messages via the ‘MyBusTrip’ app which you can download on the Play and Apple stores
Buses to locations such as Bedford, Luton, Leighton Buzzard, Northampton, Aylesbury and further afield destinations such as Oxford or Cambridge are available from Milton Keynes.
Use our new interactive map and journey planner to plan your next bus trip and find bus stops, timetables and ticketing information.
For information on roadworks and disruptions follow @Ringway_MK on twitter and check MKC’s Disruptions and Diversions page.
For information on MKC transport policies and grant funding please visit the Highways and Transport Hub.
Contact us
To contact us about public transport issues including MK Move or MK Connect, please use the link below.