Win for riding with Winter Wheelers!
During December there will be daily giveaways of practical winter cycling gear from leading innovative brands Proviz, Beryl, Torch and Muc-Off plus vouchers to buy a new bike at winners’ chosen local bike shops. All you have to do is register at lovetoride.net (it only takes a minute) and record your rides or sync an app so they are logged automatically. There are also prizes on offer for encouraging others to join in and for riding the most miles in December.
In the New Year there will be a programme of events to get more people on bikes, so if you can recruit friends and colleagues who are fellow all-weather riders, they will be able to help introduce others to the joys and benefits of riding a bike.
If you have friends, family or colleagues who aren’t confident riding in the dark, they can still take part and win: everyone who logs a ride on Sunday 16 December will go into the draw for a £500 local bike shop voucher – and everyone who logs a ride in December before 4pm on Christmas Day will go into the draw for a £750 local bike shop voucher!

Love to Ride #WinterWheelers
Help make Milton Keynes cleaner, greener, healthier and more liveable for everyone: join #WinterWheelers today and give the gift of cycling by sharing the url and inviting everyone to join the fun: lovetoride.net
Happy cycling!