MK Connect changes April 2025
There will be changes to MK Connect From 1st April 2025
We are pleased to announce that a new contract has been secured for our innovative Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) service MK Connect. The extension of the valuable service ensures passengers continue to have access to the wider public transport network.
Changes to the MK Connect service from 1st April 2025.
The New operating times will be from 6am – 8pm Monday – Saturday. There will be No Sunday Service.
MK Connect is not part of the English National Concessionary Scheme (ENCTS) and Milton Keynes City Council has been subsidising the cost of these trips, MKCC will continue to partially support the cost of ENCTS trips, after a recent consultation on future pricing, there was overwhelming support for a £1.50 charge to use the MK Connect service.
Concessionary and AllinOne pass holders will need to show their passes to board and use MK Connect, if you are unable to present your pass travel will be refused.
Prices will be changing from 1st April 2025 with a new pricing structure for longer journeys within Milton Keynes:
- Peak £4
- Off Peak £3
- Older Person’s and Disabled Person’s bus pass holders (ENCTS) £1.50
- Allinone £1.20
- Additional surcharges will apply for rides of over 5km (Peak £5, off peak £4) and over 8km (peak £6.50, off peak £5.50)
New vehicles with better accessibility will be in use, including several accessible vehicles with tail lifts.
If you use a large electric wheelchair or a mobility scooter and you wish to travel with MK Connect please contact us! and request a scooter passport visit, this will ensure you get a suitable vehicle that can carry your mobility aid as not all wheelchair accessible vehicles can carry scooters.’
There may be minor changes to the interface for booking, but otherwise you can continue using MK Connect to travel “anywhere to anywhere” within the service zone during the new service hours,
Questions? Get in touch via the Help section of the MK Connect app or contact us!