Changing commutes can be positive
8th Oct 2019
Encouraging your staff to MK the switch and change their commute to work can be met by a number of hurdles. Getting your team past them makes the race towards a sustainable travel plan a lot easier.
We’ve compiled a list of positives for you to use in your transport campaign.
Walk to work
- Walking is the most common form of physical activity
- It’s also the least polluting form of transport.
- Walking through urban spaces reduces the risk of others being harmed through pollution or accidents.
- There’s no need for special equipment (apart from some comfy shoes)
- No need to install specialist storage or equipment at your premises
- Choosing to walk a commute provides a predictable journey time, with less likelihood of lateness.
Travel by bike
- Cycling in Milton Keynes is made more convenient by the Red Route cycle network
- Staff can improve their fitness and mental wellbeing by enjoying an active commute
- Reduces the number of car parking spaces needed
- Fewer cars on the roads mean less congestion
- One of the most carbon-neutral forms of transport
Hop on a bus or train
- Commuting by public transport allows users to shut off and relax to and from work
- Annually, public transport is more cost-effective than driving
- Bus lanes reduce the likelihood of lateness caused by congestion
- Studies have shown that workers who catch the bus are calmer and happier
- Public transport again creates relatively predictable journey times
- The walk to and from bus stops and train stations improves health and increases fitness
Try a carshare
- Car sharing can reduce the number of miles you put on your car and save you money in fuel and maintenance costs
- Sharing the drive can also reduce your stress levels
- If you commute with someone else in your company you can get to learn about their department and work
- You could even make new friends or be a part of a new social group
- Use Milton Keynes Liftshare to find someone who’s travelling the same journey, save on fuel, have some company on the commute
- If your business has less than 250 employees you can have your own closed group on Liftshare, meaning you can arrange journeys with other people in your company.
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