Travel Grants for MK Business
Grants available for Milton Keynes Business
Grants available to support Green Recovery at MK workplaces
(We are now closed to new applications)
Sadly, the Covid-19 crisis has placed unprecedented demands on everyone and has affected all aspects of our lives during this time of national crisis. Whilst we are desperate for a return to normal life, we have an opportunity to create a ‘new normal’ and focus on how we will emerge from the crisis to support healthier, stronger, greener communities.
Never before have the green spaces, parks, Redways and leisure routes of Milton Keynes seemed more precious, with a greater number of people embracing active modes of travel, such as cycling and walking.
Fewer people have been commuting around our city with the closure of offices and retail outlets with employees requested to work from home. Whilst the reduced traffic has been a welcome change from the norm, workforces will gradually be able to return to workplaces and the City Centre. We want to be able to offer confidence in continuing the daily commute by more active and sustainable ways and build on the gains we have seen on cycling rates across MK.
The grants will be available to businesses who can demonstrate how they can encourage their workforce to make positive changes to their travel behaviour.
The grants will support plans that are in place to encourage more people in Milton Keynes to walk, cycle, scoot or use pubic transport, building on the rise of public participation in greener, people-powered journeys.
Funding will be directed towards schemes which;
- Support and encourage use of active modes which deliver health and well-being benefits.
- Support and encourage travel patterns which minimise CO2 emissions and other pollutant emissions.
- Ensure the safety of all travellers
Schemes that will be eligible for funding;
- Promotional events/campaigns
- New or improvements to cycle parking/facilities/showers/lockers
- On-site parking management
- Provision of pool bikes
- Wayfinding and improvements to pedestrian/cycling access
- Implementation car sharing scheme and/or bays
- Installation of EV charging points.
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